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DSDP Volume XXX Table of Contents doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.30.1975 Part I: Introduction 1. Introduction and Principal Results: Leg 30 Deep Sea Drilling Project Gordon H. Packham, James E. Andrews Scientific Party Part II: Site Reports The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party Part III: Special Studies 8. Igneous Rocks from Leg 30 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Douglas B. Stoeser S.R. Hammond, L.W. Kroenke, F. Theyer J.V. Eade and T.F. Anderson 11. Depositional Facies of Leg 30, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sediment Cores George deVries Klein Gerrit J. van der Lingen, Gordon H. Packham 13. Alteration of Sediments in Lower Part of Hole 286 D.L. Jones and Randy Bassett B.K. Holdsworth and B.M. Harker 15. Cenozoic Radiolaria Biostratigraphy: Leg 30: Tropical and Equatorial Pacific B.K. Holdsworth 16. Phytoplankton Stratigraphy, Southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 30 David Bukry 17. Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of the Southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 30 Samir Shafik 18. Mesozoic Foraminifera, Leg 30, Hole 288A and Site 289 Fouad Y. Michael 19. X-Ray Mineralogy Data, Tasman Sea and Far Western Pacific, Leg 30, Deep Sea Drilling Project I. Zemmels, H.E. Cook, and J.C. Matti 20. Submarine Geology of the South Fiji Basin Gordon H. Packham and Allan Terrill 21. Aspects of the Geology of the Eastern Coral Sea and the Western New Hebrides Basin Charles W. Landmesser, James E. Andrews, and Gordon H. Hackham 22. Further Comments on the Southwest Pacific Paleogene Regional Unconformities Anthony R. Edwards 23. Southwest Pacific Cenozoic Paleogeography and an Integrated Neogene Paleocirculation Model Anthony R. Edwards 24. Grain-Size Analyses, Leg 30 Gerald W. Bode 25. Carbon and Carbonate Analyses, Leg 30 Donald H. Cameron Part IV: Synthesis 26. Results of Leg 30 and the Geologic History of the Southwest Pacific Arc and Marginal Sea Complex Gordon H. Packham and James E. Andrews Part V: Chapters from Volume 29 M.S. Srinivasan and J.P. Kennett II. Seismic Reflection Survey of Leg 29 Drill Sites Robert E. Houtz and T.D. Aitken Back-Pocket Foldouts Geological Map of the Pacific Ocean Bruce C. Heezen and Daniel J. Fornari Chapter 20, Plate I./Chapter 21, Chart 1. Bathymetric Map Tectonic Map and Sediment Distribution Chart Seismic Reflection Profiles DSDP Data and Samples
Citations Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database. Map