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DSDP Volume LXXX Table of Contents

Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

Part I: Introduction and Site Chapters

1. Drilling on the Goban Spur: Objectives, Regional Geological Setting, and Operational Summary

P.C. de Graciansky, C.W. Poag, and G. Foss

2. Explanatory Notes

C.W. Poag and G. Foss

3. Site 548

Shipboard Scientific Party

4. Site 549

Shipboard Scientific Party

5. Site 550

Shipboard Scientific Party

6. Site 551

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part II: Physical Properties

7. The Paleomagnetism of Sediments Acquired from the Goban Spur on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

H.A. Townsend

8. Magnetic Fabric of Quaternary, Tertiary, and Cretaceous Sediments from the Goban Spur, Leg 80: Implications for Sediment Transport Processes

E.A. Hailwood and S.L. Folami

9. Geothermal Measurements during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

J.P. Foucher, P.Y. Chenet, L. Montadert, and J.M. Roux

Part III: Paleontology and Stratigraphy

10. Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Goban Spur Region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

S.W. Snyder and V.J. Waters

11. A Sedimentological, Faunal, and Isotopic Record of the Middle-to-Late Pliocene Transition in the Northeastern Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 548

P. Loubere and R. Jakiel

12. Environmental Trends among Neogene Benthic Foraminifers at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 548, Irish Continental Margin

C.W. Poag and D. Low

13. Late Paleogene (Eocene to Oligocene) Benthic Foraminiferal Oceanography of the Goban Spur Region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

K.G. Miller, W.B. Curry, and D.R. Ostermann

14. Foraminiferal, Lithic, and Isotopic Changes across Four Major Unconformities at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 548, Goban Spur

C.W. Poag, L.A. Reynolds, J.M. Mazzullo, and L.D. Keigwin, Jr.

15. Population Diversity of Planktonic Foraminifers and Stable-Isotope Record across the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary: Hole 549A

P. Loubere

16. Biostratigraphy and Paleoceanography across the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 549

S.W. Snyder, C. Müller, and K.G. Miller

17. Biostratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Goban Spur Region Based on a Study of Calcareous Nannoplankton

C. Müller

18. Barremian and Albian Foraminifera, Site 549, Leg 80

F. Magniez and J. Sigal

19. Fossil Plants and Other Organic Debris in Cretaceous Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80: Their Paleoenvironmental Significance and Source Potential

D.J. Batten, G.T. Creber, and Z. Zhiyan

20. Dinoflagellate Cyst Stratigraphy of Paleocene to Miocene Sediments from the Goban Spur (Sites 548-550, Leg 80)

S. Brown and C. Downie

21. Marine Cretaceous Palynology of Holes 549 and 550, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80, Northern Bay of Biscay

D. Fauconnier

22. Paleogene Silicoflagellates and Ebridians from the Goban Spur, Northeastern Atlantic

H.Y. Ling

23. The Genus Bolboforma Daniels and Spiegler in the Oligocene and Miocene Sediments of the North Atlantic and Northern Europe

C. Müller, D. Spiegler, and L. Pastouret

24. The Goban Spur Paleozoic Basement

J.P. Lefort, J.J. Peucat, J. Deunff, and A. Le Herissé

Part IV: Quaternary Studies

25. Quaternary and Pliocene Planktonic Foraminifers of the Northeastern Atlantic (Goban Spur), Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

C. Pujol and J. Duprat

26. Quaternary Calcareous Benthic Foraminifers, Leg 80

M.H. Caralp

27. Pleistocene Radiolarians from Goban Spur, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 548, Leg 80

M. Labracherie

28. Quaternary Dinoflagellate Cysts from Holes 548 and 549A, Goban Spur (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80)

R. Harland

29. Quaternary Nannofossils from Goban Spur, Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 548 and 549A

A. Pujos

30. Pleistocene Climatic Changes in Surface Waters of the Northeastern Atlantic: Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Planktonic Foraminifers at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 548 and 549

C. Vergnaud Grazzini and J.F. Saliège

31. Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic Composition of Benthic Foraminifers at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 548 and 549 (Hole 549A): Pleistocene Climatic Changes and Circulation in the Northeastern Atlantic

C. Vergnaud Grazzini and J.F. Saliège

32. Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Northeastern Atlantic: Microfaunal and Stable Isotope Evidence at Sites 548 and 549

M.H. Caralp, C. Pujol, J. Duprat, M. Labracherie, C. Vergnaud Grazzini, and J.F. Saliège

Part V: Sedimentology and Igneous Rock Petrography

33. Diagenetic Polymetallic Crusts at Sites 550 and 548 of Leg 80, Northeastern Atlantic Ocean

A.M. Karpoff, M. Bourbon, B. Ancel, and P.C. de Graciansky

34. Stratigraphic Significance of Volcanic Ash in Paleocene and Eocene Sediments at Sites 549 and 550

R.W.O’B. Knox

35. Note on the Occurrence of Native Copper in Tertiary Nannofossil Oozes from the Goban Spur (Hole 550)

R.W.O’B. Knox

36. Shallow Burial Diagenesis of Chalks and Related Sediments at Site 550 on the Goban Spur

R.H. Jennings and J.M. Mazzullo

37. The Goban Spur of the Northeast-Atlantic Margin during Late Cretaceous Times

P.C. de Graciansky and M. Bourbon

38. Sedimentologic Study of Mid-Cretaceous Carbonaceous Limestones at Sites 549 and 550, Northeast Atlantic

P.C. de Graciansky and E. Gillot

39. Petrography of the Sandy Dolosparite (Unit 7) in Hole 549

R. Borkowski and J. Mazzullo

40. Paleoenvironmental Study of Barremian-Albian Sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 549 in the Eastern North Atlantic

P. Rat, E. Gillot, F. Magniez, and A. Pascal

41. Petrography of Barremian Synrift Sediments, Site 549, Goban Spur

J. Mazzullo, E.K. Mazzullo, and K. Henke

42. Oceanic Tholeiites from Leg 80 Sites (Celtic Sea Passive Margin, Northeastern Atlantic): Geochemistry and Mineralogy

R.C. Maury, H. Bellon, H. Bougault, J.L. Joron, M. Bohn, and P.C. de Graciansky

Part VI: Organic Geochemistry

43. Leg 80 Shipboard Organic Geochemistry

D.W. Waples and R. Cunningham

44. Organic Facies of Cenozoic and Cretaceous Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 548 to 551, Northern North Atlantic

R. Cunningham and D. Gilbert

45. Petrography and Geochemistry of Organic Matter in Cretaceous Sediments from the Goban Spur, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

B. Hartung, P.K. Mukhopadhyay, J. Rullkötter, R.G. Schaefer, and D.H. Welte

46. Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen in Sediments from Leg 80, Deep Sea Drilling Project

D.W. Waples

47. A Reappraisal of Anoxia and Richness of Organic Material, with Emphasis on the Cretaceous North Atlantic

D.W. Waples

Part VII: Mineralogy and Inorganic Geochemistry of Sediments

48. X-Ray Mineralogy and Mineral Geochemistry of Cenozoic Strata (Leg 80) and Petrographic Study of Associated Pebbles

G. Chennaux, J. Esquevin, A. Jourdan, C. Latouche, and N. Maillet

49. Interstitial Water Studies, Leg 80

J.M. Gieskes and K. Johnston

50. Trace Element Contents of Carbonates from Holes 549 and 550B (Leg 80): Comparison with Some Tethyan and Atlantic Sites

A. Andrianiazy and M. Renard

51. Inorganic and Isotopic Geochemistry of Sediments from Sites 549 to 551, Northeastern North Atlantic

R. Cunningham and P.M. Kroopnick

52. Silicified Sediments and Silica Diagenesis in the Goban Spur Area of the Northeast Atlantic, Leg 80

K. Otsuka

Part VIII: Regional Studies

53. The Main Basement Features Recognized in the Northern Part of the North Atlantic Area

J.P. Lefort

54. Regional Geology of the Goban Spur Continental Margin

D.G. Masson, L. Montadert, and R.A. Scrutton

55. Modeling of Magnetic and Gravity Anomalies at Goban Spur, Northeastern Atlantic

R.A. Scrutton

56. Morphology and Basement Structures of the Goban Spur Continental Margin (Northeastern Atlantic) and the Role of the Pyrenean Orogeny

J.C. Sibuet, B. Mathis, L. Pastouret, J.M. Auzende, J.P. Foucher, P.M. Hunter, P. Guennoc, P.C. de Graciansky, L. Montadert, and D.G. Masson

Part IX: Cruise Syntheses

57. Biostratigraphic, Paleoenvironmental, and Paleomagnetic Synthesis of the Goban Spur Region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80

S.W. Snyder, C. Müller, J. Sigal, H. Townsend, and C.W. Poag

58. Geologic History of Goban Spur, Northwest Europe Continental Margin

P.C. de Graciansky and C.W. Poag


Appendix I. Physical Properties and Correlation of Seismic Profiles with Drilling Results

L. Montadert and C.W. Poag

Appendix II. X-Ray Mineralogical Analysis of Cretaceous Sequences, Leg 80 (Goban Spur, Sites 548, 549, 550, 551)

M. Thiry and A. Pascal

Back Pocket Foldouts

Superlog for Site 548.

Superlog for Site 549.

Superlog for Site 550.

Chapter 18:

Figure 1. Ecological and chronostratigraphical chart of Barremian Deposits at Site 549.

Chapter 32:

Figure 2. Summary of the Quaternary paleoceanography of the northeastern Atlantic, Holes 548 and 549A.

Chapter 40:

Figure 4. Lithology, microfacies, and sedimentological data related to well logs.

Chapter 54:

Figure 10. Unmigrated seismic profile across a series of tilted blocks on the southern flank of Goban Spur.
Figure 22. Profiles across the ocean-continent transition in the Goban Spur area.

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
