Ocean Drilling Program | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | International Ocean Discovery Program

DSDP Volume LXXXV Table of Contents

Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

Part I: Introduction and Site Reports

1. Introduction: Background and Explanatory Notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85, Central Equatorial Pacific

Shipboard Scientific Party

2. Site 571

Shipboard Scientific Party

3. Site 572

Shipboard Scientific Party

4. Site 573

Shipboard Scientific Party

5. Site 574

Shipboard Scientific Party

6. Site 575

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part II: Paleontology and Biostratigraphy

7. Neogene and Quaternary Dinoflagellate Biostratigraphy of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

I. Jarvis and B.A. Tocher

8. Late Eocene to Holocene Diatom Biostratigraphy of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

J.A. Barron

9. A High Resolution Late Miocene-Pliocene Diatom Biostratigraphy for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific

J.G. Baldauf

10. Tropical Pacific Silicoflagellate Zonation and Paleotemperature Trends of the Late Cenozoic

D. Bukry

11. Quaternary Radiolarians from the Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

M. Labracherie

12. Radiolarian Biostratigraphy in the Central Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

C.A. Nigrini

13. Nannofossils from Quaternary Deposits in the High-Productivity Area of the Central Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

A. Pujos

14. Cenozoic Nannofossils, Central Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

A. Pujos

15. Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85, Eastern Equatorial Pacific

S. Gartner and J. Chow

16. Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

T. Saito

17. Late Eocene to Recent Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifers from the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean

E. Thomas

18. Stratigraphic Resolution of Leg 85 Drill Sites: An Initial Analysis

N.G. Pisias, J.A. Barron, C.A. Nigrini, and D.A. Dunn

Part III: Isotopic and Carbonate Stratigraphy

19. High Resolution Carbonate Records from the Hydraulic Piston Cored Section of Site 572

N.G. Pisias and W.L. Prell

20. Pliocene Stable Isotope and Carbonate Stratigraphy (Holes 572C and 573A): Paleoceanographic Data Bearing on the Question of Pliocene Glaciation

W.L. Prell

21. Stable Isotope and Calcium Carbonate Records from Hydraulic Piston Cored Hole 574A: High-Resolution Records from the Middle Miocene

N.G. Pisias, N.J. Shackleton, and M.A. Hall

22. Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Record for the Early and Middle Miocene in the Central Equatorial Pacific (Leg 85) and Paleoceanographic Implications

E. Vincent and J.S. Killingley

23. Late Eocene to Oligocene Benthic Foraminiferal Isotopic Record, Site 574, Equatorial Pacific

K.G. Miller and E. Thomas

Part IV: Geochemistry

24. Geochemistry and Origin of Eocene-Oligocene Metalliferous Sediments from the Central Equatorial Pacific: Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 573 and 574

I. Jarvis

25. Interstitial Water Chemistry and Diagenesis of Biogenic Sediments from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85

P.M. Stout

26. Composition and Sources of Pumices in Leg 85 Cores

H. Sigurdsson and A.N. Davis

Part V: Geophysics

27. Seabeam Bathymetric and Water Gun Seismic Reflection Surveys in the Equatorial Pacific

T.H. Shipley, E.L. Winterer, M. Goud, S.J. Hills, C.V. Metzler, C.K. Paull, and J.T. Shay

28. Physical Properties of Equatorial Pacific Sediments

R.H. Wilkens and T. Handyside

29. Paleomagnetism of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85 Sediments: Neogene Magnetostratigraphy and Tectonic History of the Central Equatorial Pacific

N. Weinreich and F. Theyer

Part VI: Paleoceanography and Syntheses

30. Synthesis of Biostratigraphy, Central Equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85: Refinement of Oligocene to Quaternary Biochronology

J.A. Barron, C.A. Nigrini, A. Pujos, T. Saito, F. Theyer, E. Thomas, and N. Weinreich

31. Diatom Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology of the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific between 18 and 6.2 Ma

J.A. Barron

32. Seismic Modeling and Paleoceanography at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 574

L.A. Mayer, T.H. Shipley, F. Theyer, R.H. Wilkens, and E.L. Winterer

33. The Equatorial Pacific High-Productivity Belt: Elements for a Synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85 Results

F. Theyer, L.A. Mayer, J.A. Barron, and E. Thomas

Appendix. Sediment Physical Properties, Leg 85

Back Pocket Foldouts

Chapter 17:

Appendix A. Counts of benthic foraminifer specimens for all samples studied, Sites 573, 574, and 575.

Chapter 22:

Figure 6. Isotope stratigraphy and biostratigraphy at Sites 216 (tropical Indian Ocean), 575 (central equatorial Pacific), and 289 (west equatorial Pacific).

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
