DSDP Volume LXII Table of Contents
Publication date: May 2007
Preliminary Pages
Part I: Introduction and Site Reports
1. Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62, North Central Pacific Ocean: Introduction, Cruise
Narrative, Principal Results, and Explanatory Notes
Jörn Thiede, Tracy L. Vallier, and Charles G. Adelseck
2. Site 463: Western
Mid-Pacific Mountains
Shipboard Scientific Party
3. Site 464: Northern
Hess Rise
Shipboard Scientific Party
4. Site 465: Southern
Hess Rise
Shipboard Scientific Party
5. Site 466: Southern
Hess Rise
Shipboard Scientific Party
Part II: Paleontology and Biostratigraphy
6. Neogene Planktonic
Foraminifers from the Central North Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project
Leg 62
Edith Vincent
7. Neogene Diatoms from
Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
Constance A. Sancetta
8. Miocene to
Pleistocene Silicoflagellates from the Central North Pacific, Deep Sea
Drilling Project Leg 62
Carla Müller
9 . Paleogene Planktonic
Foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 Sites and Adjacent
Areas of the Northwest Pacific
Valery A. Krasheninnikov
10. Cretaceous and Early
Tertiary Foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 Sites in the
Central Pacific
Anne Boersma
11. Mesozoic Calcareous
Nannoplankton Stratigraphy of the Central North Pacific (Mid-Pacific
Mountains and Hess Rise), Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
Pavel Cepek
12. Late Early
Cretaceous Radiolaria from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
André Schaaf
13. Mid-Cretaceous
Calcareous Nannoplankton from the Central Pacific: Implications for
Peter H. Roth
14. Ichthyoliths at Site
464 in the Northwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
P.S. Doyle and W.R. Riedel
15. Reworked Fossils in
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Pelagic Central Pacific Ocean Sediments, Deep Sea
Drilling Project Sites 463, 464, 465, and 466, Leg 62
Jörn Thiede, Anne Boersma, Ronald R. Schmidt, and
Edith Vincent
16. Oxygen- and
Carbon-Isotope Variations and Planktonic Foraminifer Depth Habitats,
Late Cretaceous to Paleocene, Central Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project
Sites 463 and 465
Anne Boersma and Nicholas J. Shackleton
Part III: Sedimentology
17. X-Ray Mineralogy of
Sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
Ulrich Nagel and Dieter Schumann
18. Clay Minerals in
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
M.A. Rateev, P.P. Timofeev, and V.I. Koporulin
19. Volcanogenic
Sediments from Hess Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea
Drilling Project Leg 62
T.L. Vallier and W.S. Jefferson
20. Origin and
Alteration of Volcanic Ash and Pelagic Brown Clay, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62, North-Central Pacific
James R. Hein and Eva Vanek
21. Neogene Carbonate
Stratigraphy of Hess Rise (Central North Pacific), and Paleoceanographic
Edith Vincent
22. Lithologic-Genetic
Characteristics of Sediments in a Section at Site 463, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62
P.P. Timofeev, N.V. Renngarten, and V.V. Eremeev
23. Lithologic Facies
Characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic Deposits of Deep Sea Drilling Project
Sites 464, 465, and 466, Hess Rise
P.P. Timofeev and V.I. Koporulin
24. Mass-Accumulation
Rates of Barremian to Recent Biogenic Sediments from the Mid-Pacific
Mountains (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463) and Hess Rise (Sites 464,
465, and 466), Central North Pacific Ocean
Jňrn Thiede and David K. Rea
25. Mass-Accumulation
Rates of the Non-Authigenic Inorganic Crystalline (Eolian) Component of
Deep-Sea Sediments from the Western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea
Drilling Project Site 463
David K. Rea and Thomas R. Janecek
26. Mass-Accumulation
Rates of the Non-Authigenic Inorganic Crystalline (Eolian) Component of
Deep-Sea Sediments from Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 464,
465, and 466
David K. Rea and Eileen C. Harrsch
27. The Early Cretaceous
Environment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 (Mid-Pacific
Mountains), with Reference to the Vocontian Trough (French Subalpine
S. Ferry and A. Schaaf
Part IV: Geochemistry of Sediments
28. Inorganic
Geochemistry of Sediments and Rocks from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and
Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
Walter E. Dean
29. Chert Petrology and
Geochemistry, Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62
James R. Hein, Tracy L. Vallier, and Mary Ann Allan
30. Oxygen-Isotope
Composition of Chert from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep
Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
James R. Hein and Hsueh-Wen Yeh
31. Sedimentary
Sequences at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464: Silicification
Processes and Transition between Siliceous Biogenic Oozes and Brown
Anne-Marie Karpoff, Michel Hoffert, and Norbert Clauer
32. Metallic Trace
Elements in Some Chert Nodules of Pacific Seamounts: A Comparative Study
Satoshi Yamamoto
33. K-Ar Studies of
Cherts from Deep Sea Drilling Proejct Site 464, Northern Hess Rise
Roger Hart
34. 87Sr/86Sr
Ratios of the Barremian and Early Aptian Seas
Norbert Clauer
35. Geochemical History
of Post-Jurassic Sedimentation in the Central Northwestern Pacific,
Western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463
I.M. Varentsov, P.P. Timofeev, and M.A. Rateev
36. Geochemical History
of Post-Jurassic Sedimentation in the Central Northwestern Pacific,
Northern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464
I.M. Varentsov, B.A. Sakharov, M.A. Rateev, and D.Ya.
37. Geochemical History
of Post-Jurassic Sedimentation in the Central Northwestern Pacific,
Southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465
I.M. Varentsov
38. Geochemical History
of Post-Jurassic Sedimentation in the Central Northwestern Pacific,
Southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 466
I.M. Varentsov
39. Distribution of
Iridium and Other Elements near the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary in Hole
465A: Preliminary Results
H.V. Michel, F. Asaro, W. Alvarez, and L.W. Alvarez
40. Mineralogy and
Geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary in Deep Sea Drilling
Project Holes 465 and 465A
Patrick Giblin
41. Petrographic and
Chemical Characteristics of Pyrite-Marcasite Mineralization in Hole
465A, Southern Hess Rise
Randolph A. Koski and James R. Hein
42. Geochemistry of
Rocks above Trachyte Basement at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465,
Southern Hess Rise
Walter E. Dean, Martha R. Scott, and George W. Bolger
43. Calcium Carbonate
and Organic Carbon in Samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 463,
464, 465, and 466
Walter E. Dean
44. Origin of
Organic-Carbon-Rich Mid-Cretaceous Limestones, Mid-Pacific Mountains and
Southern Hess Rise
Walter E. Dean, George E. Claypool, and Jörn Thiede
45. Cretaceous
Sapropelic Deposits of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 463, 465, and 466
P.P. Timofeev and L.I. Bogolyubova
46. Organic-Matter-Rich
and Hypersiliceous Aptian Sediments from Western Mid-Pacific Mountains,
Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
Frédéric Méličres, Gerard Deroo, and Jean-Paul Herbin
47. Lipids of an Upper
Albian Limestone, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465, Section 465A-38-3
P.A. Comet. J. McEvoy, S.C. Brassell, G. Eglinton, J.R.
Maxwell, and I.D. Thomson
48. Organic Geochemistry
of Albian Sediment from Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 466
Bernd R.T. Simoneit
Part V: Igneous Rocks
49. Geochemistry and
Petrology of Igneous Rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
K.E. Seifert, T.L. Vallier, K.E. Windom, and S.R.
50. Geochemistry of
Igneous Rocks in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 465A, Hess Rise:
Significance to Oceanic Plateau Petrology and Evolution
Robert B. Scott
51. Petrologic and
Tectonic Significance of Volcanic Clasts in Upper Cretaceous Nannofossil
Ooze, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 466, Southern Hess Rise
T.L. Vallier, K.E. Windom, K.E. Seifert, and F.
52. Feldspar
Compositions of Volcanic Flow Rocks from Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62
Florence Lee-Wong
53. Stable-Isotope
Compositions and the Origin of Secondary Minerals in Altered Volcanic
Rocks from Southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465
James R. O’Neil and T.L. Vallier
Part VI: Physical Properties and Underway Geophysics
54. Preliminary Report
on the Magnetic Fabric of Aptian and Albian Limestones from the
Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Drilled during Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62
William O. Sayre
55. Preliminary Report
on the Paleomagnetism of Aptian and Albian Limestones and Trachytes from
the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg
William O. Sayre
56. Anisotropy in
Compressional-Wave Velocities and Wet-Bulk Densities of Calcareous
Sedimentary Rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62
Naoyuki Fujii
57. Acoustic Properties
of Limestones from the Northcentral Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project
Leg 62
R.L. Carlson
58. Seismic Properties
of Volcanic Rocks from Hess Rise
N.I. Christensen, R.H. Wilkens, S.M. Lundquist, and
J.P. Schultz
59. Down-Hole
Temperature Measurements and Heat Flow at Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 62
Naoyuki Fujii
60. Geophysical Profiles
and Navigation, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62, Central North Pacific
David K. Rea, Tracy L. Vallier, and Jörn Thiede
Part VII: Syntheses
61. The Geology of Hess
Rise, Central North Pacific Ocean
Tracy L. Vallier, David K. Rea, Walter E. Dean, Jörn
Thiede, and Charles G. Adelseck
62. The Geologic History
of the Mid-Pacific Mountains in the Central North Pacific Ocean—A
Synthesis of Deep-Sea Drilling Studies
Jörn Thiede, Walter E. Dean, David K. Rea, Tracy L.
Vallier, and Charles G. Adelseck
Back-Pocket Foldouts
Chapter 1, Figure 3B. A
selection of good coring records from the Central Pacific Ocean
Jörn Thiede, Tracy L. Vallier, and Charles G. Adelseck
Chapter 3. Topography
of the Hess Rise
T.E. Chase, T.L. Vallier, J.D. Young, B.A. Seekins, and
C.P. Miller
Chapter 11, Table 2.
Distribution and abundance of calcareous nannoplankton in the Cretaceous
sediments of Site 463
Pavel Cepek
Chapter 29, Table 2.
Characteristics of burrows in Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 cherts
James R. Hein, Tracy L. Vallier, and Mary Ann Allan
Chapter 46, Figure 3.
Mineralogy of abundances in percent, Cores 69 through 72, Site 463
Frédéric Méličres, Gerard Deroo, and Jean-Paul Herbin
Chapter 60, Figure 9.
Seismic-reflection profiles, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 62, Majuro
to Honolulu (Rea et al., this volume)
David K. Rea, Tracy L. Vallier, and Jörn Thiede
of the Hess Rise Region, North Central Pacific Ocean
Merid Dates
DSDP Data and Samples
Citation information about scientific publications related to this
and other DSDP legs is available in the
Ocean Drilling Citation Database.