DSDP Volume L Table of Contents
Publication date: May 2007
Preliminary Pages
Part I: Introduction
1. Introduction and Summary of Results, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
Yves Lancelot and Edward L. Winterer
2. Explanatory Notes and Shipboard Procedures, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
The Shipboard Scientific Party
Part II: Site Reports
3. Site 415, Agadir Canyon, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
The Shipboard Scientific Party
4. Site 416, in the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
The Shipboard Scientific Party
Part III: Physical Properties, Logging, and Geophysics
5. Determination of the Relationships of Electrical Resistivity, Sound Velocity, and Density/Porosity of Sediment and Rock by Laboratory Techniques and Well Logs from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416 off the Coast of Morocco
Robert E. Boyce
6. Underway Geophysical Measurements from Glomar Challenger, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50, and Multi-Channel Seismic-Reflection Profile of R/V Meteor, Cruise 3902
Edward L. Winterer, Yves Lancelot, and Karl Hinz
Part IV: Paleontological and Biostratigraphic Studies
7. Cenozoic Calcareous Nannofossils, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, Moroccan Basin
Pavel Čepek and S. Gartner
8. Mesozoic Calcareous Nannofossils, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, Moroccan Basin
Pavel Čepek, S. Gartner, and Thomas Cool
9. Mesozoic Foraminifers and Deep-Sea Benthic Environments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, Eastern North Atlantic
William V. Sliter
10. Radiolarians from the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
M. Jean Westberg, Annika Sanfilippo, and W.R. Riedel
11. Calpionellids from the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 416, Moroccan Basin, Eastern North Atlantic
Edith Vincent, Roger Lehmann, William V. Sliter, and M. Jean Westberg
12. Palynological Stratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 416
G.L. Williams and J.P. Bujak
13. Planktonic-Foraminifer Assemblages across the Miocene/Pliocene Boundary at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, and Correlations with Other North-Atlantic Successions
Maria Bianca Cita and Antonina Vismara-Schilling
14. Miocene Corbisema triacantha Zone Phytoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, off Northwest Africa
David Bukry
15. Calcisphaerulidae and Capionellidae from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 416A, Moroccan Basin
Hans M. Bolli
16. Cretaceous and Pleistocene Bivalvia, Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 415, 415A
Erle G. Kauffman
Part V: Organic Geochemistry
17. Organic Geochemistry, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416: Introduction and Summary
Keith A. Kvenvolden
18. Pyrolysis Study of Organic Matter from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 370 (Leg 41), 415, and 416 (Leg 50)
A. Boutefeu
19. Preliminary Results of Petrographic and Electron-Spin-Resonance Studies of Organic Matter from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 370 and 416
A. Boutefeu, P. Leplat, and Y. Somers
20. A Study of Organic Matter from Deep Oceanic Bore Holes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, in the Moroccan Basin
E.M. Galimov, L.A. Kodina, V.G. Shirinsky, T.V. Drozdova, V.N. Generalova, M.P. Bogachova, V.A. Chinyonov, and L.A. Bannikova
21. Analysis of Organic Matter in Sediment Cores from the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
George W. Claypool and Jeffrey P. Baysinger
22. Petrology of Organic Matter, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, Moroccan Basin, Eastern North Atlantic
Chris Cornford
23. Isotopic Composition of Methane Carbon and the Relative Content of Gaseous Hydrocarbons in the Deposits of the Moroccan Basin of the Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416)
E.M. Galimov, V.A. Chinyonov, and Ye.N. Ivanov
24. Sediment C1 to C7 Hydrocarbons from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416 (Moroccan Basin)
Jean K. Whelan and John M. Hunt
25. Geochemistry of Carbon: Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
K.S. Schorno and J.G. Erdman
26. Organic Geochemistry of Some Lower Cretaceous Shales from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 416, Eastern North Atlantic
G. Deroo, J.P. Herbin, J. Roucaché, and B. Tissot
27. Organic Geochemistry of Mesozoic Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 330, Falkland Plateau
Bernd R.T. Simoneit
28. Nickel Porphyrins from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
Susan E. Palmer and Earl W. Baker
29. Preliminary Lipid Analyses of Cores 14, 18, and 28 from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 416A
S.C. Brassell, P.A. Comet, G. Eglinton, J. McEvoy, J.R. Maxwell, J.M.E. Quirke, and J.K. Volkman
30. A Short Report on Microbiology of Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 415, 415A, and 416A
M.V. Ivanov, S.S. Belyaev, and K.S. Laurinavichus
Part VI: Inorganic Geochemistry
31. Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Carbonates from Deposits of the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
E.M. Galimov, L.A. Bannikova, and L.Ye. Steshenko
32. Major and Minor Elements and Sulfur Isotopes of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sediments at Sites 415 and 416, Leg 50, Deep Sea Drilling Project
A.A. Migdisov, Yu.P. Girin, E.M. Galimov, V.A. Grinenko, N.V. Barskaya, V.A. Krivitsky, O.P. Sobornov, and S.L. Cherkovsky
33. Interstitial-Water Studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
Joris M. Gieskes, Dennis Graham, and Rick Ellis
34. Mathematical Treatment of Geochemical Data, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
P. Debrabant, J. Foulon, and H. Maillot
Part VII: Sedimentology and Regional Studies
35. Results of X-Ray-Mineralogy Analyses of Samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416, Moroccan Basin
CEPM Laboratory
36. Clay Mineralogy of Cretaceous and Cenozoic Sediments off the Moroccan Margin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 415 and 416
Hervé Chamley, Ghislaine Giroud d'Argoud, and Christian Robert
37. Diagenesis of Siliceous Sediments, Porcellanites, and Cherts of the Moroccan Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 370, 415, and 416
Volkher Riech
38. Mesozoic Calciturbidites in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 416ARecognition of a Drowned Carbonate Platform
Wolfgang Schlager
39. Provenance of the JurassicCretaceous Flysch, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 370 and 416
Ilfryn Price
40. Gravity Tectonics on a Passive Margin: Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 415 in Relation to Regional Seismic Data
Ilfryn Price
Part VIII: Cruise Syntheses
41. Biostratigraphy and Depositional History of the Moroccan Basin, Eastern North Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
Edith Vincent, Pavel Čepek, William V. Sliter, M. Jean Westberg, and S. Gartner
42. Evolution of the Moroccan Oceanic Basin and Adjacent Continental MarginA Synthesis
Yves Lancelot and Edward L. Winterer
Part IX: Appendices
I. Calcium-Carbonate and Sand-Fraction Analysis of Cenozoic and Mesozoic Sediments from the Moroccan Basin
Marthe Melguen
II. Carbon and Carbonate Analyses, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
Gerald W. Bode
III. Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50 Laboratory Physical-Property Methods
Robert E. Boyce
IV. Schlumberger Well-Log Equipment and the Ericson-Von Herzen Temperature Probe Used During Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50
Robert E. Boyce
V. Safety and Pollution-Prevention Program, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 50, Sites 415 and 416
Duane Fritz
Back-Pocket Foldouts
Chapter 6
Figure 3. Seismic-reflection profiles made from Glomar Challenger during cruise 3902.
Chapter 8.
Figure 3. Distribution of Cretaceous nannofossils, Hole 416A.
Chapter 36.
Figure 2. Clay mineralogy data, Site 416.
DSDP Data and Samples
Citation information about scientific publications related to this
and other DSDP legs is available in the
Ocean Drilling Citation Database.