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DSDP Volume XI Table of Contents
doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.11.1972 Part I: Shipboard Site Reports Scientific Party 1. Site 98: Northeast Providence Channel Charles D. Hollister, John I. Ewing, Daniel Habib,
John C. Hathaway, Yves Lancelot, Hanspeter Luterbacher, Fred J. Paulus,
C. Wylie Poag, James A. Wilcoxon, and Paula Worstell The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party 4. Site 101: Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (Southern End) The Shipboard Scientific Party 5. Sites 102, 103, 104: Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (Northern End) The Shipboard Scientific Party 6. Site 105: Lower Continental Rise Hills The Shipboard Scientific Party 7. Site 106: Lower Continental Rise The Shipboard Scientific Party 8. Site 107: Upper Continental Rise The Shipboard Scientific Party 9. Site 108: Continental Slope The Shipboard Scientific Party Part II: Biostratigraphy 10. Dinoflagellate Stratigraphy, Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project Daniel Habib 11. Upper Jurassic—Lower Cretaceous Calcareous Nannoplankton from the Western North Atlantic Basin James A. Wilcoxon 12. Calcareous Nannoplankton Ranges, Deep Sea Drilling Project James A. Wilcoxon 13. Coccolith Stratigraphy, Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project David Bukry C. Wylie Poag 15. Larger Foraminifera from Hole 98 W.H. Akers 16. Paleocene and Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera, Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hanspeter Luterbacher 17. Planktonic Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of Site 98, Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project Michele Caron Hanspeter Luterbacher Lukas Hottinger Otto Renz 21. Planktonic Crinoids of Late Jurassic Age from Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hans Hess 22. Jurassic Ostracods of DSDP Leg XI (Sites 100 and 105)—Preliminary Account H.J. Oertli 23. Microfossils in Thin Sections from the Mesozoic Deposits of Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project Roger Lehmann Part III: Special Geologic Studies Fred J. Paulus 25. Compressional Sound Velocities in Semi-Indurated Sediments and Basalts from DSDP Leg XI Edward Schreiber, P.J. Fox, and J. Peterson 26. X-Ray Mineralogy Studies—Leg XI I. Zemmels, H.E. Cook, and J.C. Hathaway Yves Lancelot and John I. Ewing 28. North Atlantic and Mediterranean Mesozoic Facies: A Comparison Daniel Bernoulli 29. Textural and Mineralogical Relations of Basalts from Sites 100 and 105 W.B. Bryan 30. The Geology of Site 98 and the Bahama Platform Fred J. Paulus Part IV: Cruise Synthesis 31. Lithology of Sediments from the Western North Atlantic, Leg XI, Deep Sea Drilling Project Yves Lancelot, John C. Hathaway, and Charles D.
Hollister 32. Regional Aspects of Deep Sea Drilling in the Western North Atlantic John I. Ewing and Charles D. Hollister Appendices 33. Post Leg I Site Surveys of Cat Gap Area Thomas Aitken 34. Interstitial Water Studies on Small Core Samples, Leg XI F.L. Sayles, F.T. Manheim, and L.S. Waterman 35. Interstitial Water Chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg XI B.J. Presley and I.R. Kaplan 36. Preliminary Organic Analyses of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Cores, Leg XI B.R. Simoneit, E.S. Scott, W.G. Howells, and A.L.
Burlingame 37. Leg XI Grain Size Analysis R.E. Boyce 38. Carbon and Carbonate Analyses, Leg XI R.E. Boyce Back Pocket Foldouts
Chapter 2, Figure 5. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 99. Chapter 3, Figure 5. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 100. Chapter 4, Figure 5. Smear slide graphic summary, Slide 101. Chapter 5, Figure 5a. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 102. Chapter 5, Figure 5b. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 103. Chapter 5, Figure 5c. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 104. Chapter 6, Figure 5. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 105. Chapter 7, Figure 5. Smear slide graphic summary, Site 106. DSDP Data and Samples
Citations Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database. Map