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DSDP Volume XCVI Table of Contents
doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.96.1986 1. Explanatory Notes: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96, Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico
A.W. Meyer 2. Introduction, Objectives, and Principal Results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
A.H. Bouma, J.M. Coleman, and A.W.
Meyer Part I. Site Chapters 3. Middle Fan Introduction and Summary
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party 8. Lower Fan Introduction and Summary
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party 13. Fan Margin Introduction and Summary
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party 15. Intraslope Basin Introduction and Summary
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party
Shipboard Scientific Party Part II. Seismic Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Studies
W.R. Normark, A.W. Meyer, M. Cremer, L. Droz, S. O’Connell, K.T.
Pickering, C.E. Stelting, D.A.V. Stow, G.R. Brooks, J. Mazzullo, H.
Roberts, and P. Thayer 19. Late Pleistocene Seismic Stratigraphy of the Mississippi Fan
C.E. Stelting, L. Droz, A.H. Bouma, J.M. Coleman, M. Cremer, A.W. Meyer,
W.R. Normark, S. O’Connell, and D.A.V. Stow
S. O’Connell and W.R. Normark
D.A.V. Stow, M. Cremer, L. Droz, A.W. Meyer, W.R. Normark, S. O’Connell,
K.T. Pickering, C.E. Stelting, S.A. Angell, and C. Chaplin
P.A. Thayer, H.H. Roberts, A.H. Bouma, and J.M. Coleman 23. Stratification in Mississippi Fan Cores Revealed by X-Ray Radiography
J.M. Coleman, A.H. Bouma, H.H. Roberts, and P. Thayer 24. Sedimentary Structures of Fine-Grained Sediments from the Mississippi Fan: Thin-Section Analysis
M. Cremer and D.A.V. Stow 25. Sources of Sand for the Mississippi Fan
J. Mazzullo 26. A Massive Carbonate Gravity-Flow Deposit Intercalated in the Lower Mississippi Fan
G.R. Brooks, L.J. Doyle, and J.I. McNeillie 27. Gamma-Ray Well-Log Characteristics, Leg 96
J.M. Coleman, R. Constans, and A.H. Bouma 28. Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Processes in Orca and Pigmy Basins
A.H. Bouma, C.E. Stelting, and Leg 96 Sedimentologists
T.T. Tieh, S.V. Stearns, and B.J. Presley Part III. Chronostratigraphic Studies 30. Summary of Chronostratigraphic Studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
B. Kohl, D.F. Williams, M.T. Ledbetter, R.E. Constans, J.W. King, L.E.
Heusser, C. Schroeder, and J.J. Morley 31. Accumulation Rates of Mississippi Fan Sediments Cored during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
A. Wetzel and B. Kohl
R.E. Constans and M.E. Parker
C.J. Schroeder 34. Survey of Pollen and Spores, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
L.E. Heusser 35. Radiolarians from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
J.J. Morley and B. Kohl
B. Kohl
D.F. Williams and B. Kohl
J.W. King 39. Late Pleistocene Tephrochronology of Pigmy Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 619, Leg 96
M.T. Ledbetter Part IV. Geochemical Studies 40. Geochemistry Summary—Leg 96—The Mississippi Fan
J.K. Whelan 41. Interstitial Water Chemistry, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
B.J. Presley and S. Stearns
T. Ishizuka, H. Kawahata, and S. Aoki
T. Ishizuka, V. Ittekkot, E.T. Degens, and H. Kawahata
K.T. Pickering and D.A.V. Stow 45. Nonvolatile Organic Matter in Sediments from Sites 614 to 623, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
M.C. Kennicutt II, D.A. DeFreitas, J.E. Joyce, and J.M. Brooks 46. Organic Matter in Leg 96 Sediments: Characterization by Pyrolysis
J.K. Whelan and M. Tarafa
J.K. Whelan, R. Oremland, M. Tarafa, R. Smith, R. Howarth, and C. Lee
R.A. Burke, Jr., W.M. Sackett, and J.M. Brooks 49. Molecular and Isotopic Analysis of Core Gases and Gas Hydrates, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96
R.C. Pflaum, J.M. Brooks, H.B. Cox, M.C. Kennicutt II, and D.-D. Sheu
A.G. Requejo, J.K. Whelan, and P.D. Boehm Part V. Geotechnical Studies 51. Consolidation Characteristics and Permeability of Mississippi Fan Sediments
W. Bryant, A. Wetzel, E. Taylor, and W. Sweet 52. Anisotropy and Modes of Deposition of Pelitic Mississippi Fan Deposits
A. Wetzel
W. Bryant, A. Wetzel, and W. Sweet DSDP Data and Samples
Citations Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database. Maps