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DSDP Volume XXII Table of Contents doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.22.1974 Part I: Site Reports 1. Introduction and Explanatory Notes C.C. von der Borch, J.G. Sclater, S. Gartner, Jr., R. Hekinian, D.A. Johnson, B. McGowran, A.C. Pimm, R.W. Thompson, J.J. Veevers, and L.S. Waterman The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party Part II: Special Studies 10. Seismic Profiles Made Underway on Leg 22 John J. Veevers 11. Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results, Leg 22 Richard D. Jarrard and John G. Sclater 12. Potassium-Argon Ages on Basaltic Rocks Recovered from DSDP, Leg 22, Indian Ocean Ian McDougall 13. Comparison of the Magnetic and Biostratigraphic Time Scales since the Late Cretaceous John G. Sclater, Richard D. Jarrard, Brian McGowran, and Stefan Gartner, Jr. 14. Geothermal Measurements on Leg 22 of the D/V Glomar Challenger John G. Sclater and Albert J. Erickson 15. Correlation of Reflectors with Lithology for Site 212 George Carpenter 16. Stratigraphic-Seismic Section Correlations and Implications to Bengal Fan History David G. Moore, Joseph R. Curray, Russell W. Raitt, and Frans J. Emmel 17. Petrology of Igneous Rocks from Leg 22 in the Northeastern Indian Ocean Roger Hekinian Henri Bougault Geoffrey Thompson, W.B. Bryan, F.A. Frey, and C.M. Sung Anthony C. Pimm 21. Dolomitic Basal Sediments from Northern End of Ninetyeast Ridge Christopher C. von der Borch and Norman A. Trueman A.C. Cook Kolla Venkatarathnam 24. Palynology of Paleocene Sediments at Site 214, Ninetyeast Ridge Wayne K. Harris 25. Radiolaria from the Eastern Indian Ocean, DSDP Leg 22 David A. Johnson 26. Nannofossil Biostratigraphy, Leg 22, Deep Sea Drilling Project Stefan Gartner, Jr. David Bukry Brian McGowran 29. Mesozoic Foraminifera, Leg 22, Site 217 Emile A. Pessagno, Jr., and Fouad Y. Michael 30. Shore Laboratory Report on Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera: Leg 22 William A. Berggren, George P. Lohmann, and Richard Z. Poore 31. Interstitial Water Studies on Small Core Samples, Leg 22 Frank T. Manheim, Lee S. Waterman, and Frederick L. Sayles 32. Diffusimetry (Diffusion Constant Estimation) on Sediment Cores by Resistivity Probe Frank T. Manheim and Lee S. Waterman 33. Analysis of Ten Leg 22 Cores for Organic Carbon and Gasoline-Range Hydrocarbons Richard D. McIver 34. Hydrocarbon and Kerogen Studies John M. Hunt 35. Chlorophyll Derivatives in DSDP Leg 22 Sediments G. Dale Smith and Earl W. Baker Bernd R. Simoneit and A.L. Burlingame 37. X-Ray Mineralogy Data, Northeastern Part of the Indian Ocean, Leg 22, Deep Sea Drilling Project John C. Matti, Ivar Zemmels, and Harry E. Cook 38. Mineralogy of Sands from the Bengal and Nicobar Fans, Sites 218 and 211, Eastern Indian Ocean Robert W. Thompson Part III: Cruise Synthesis 39. Sedimentology and History of the Northeastern Indian Ocean from Late Cretaceous to Recent Anthony C. Pimm 40. Paleontology Synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling Results from Leg 22 in the Northeastern Indian Ocean Stefan Gartner, Jr., David A. Johnson, and Brian McGowran 41. Regional Synthesis of the Deep Sea Drilling Results from Leg 22 in the Eastern Indian Ocean John G. Sclater, Chris von der Borch, John J. Veevers, Roger Hekinian, Robert W. Thompson, Anthony C. Pimm, Brian McGowran, Stefan Gartner, Jr., and David A. Johnson Part IV: Appendices Appendix I. A Marine Geophysical Survey (Site 211 DSDP) in the Wharton Basin, Indian Ocean Bhoopal R. Naini Appendix II. A Marine Geophysical Survey (Site 214 DSDP) on the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean Bhoopal R. Naini and Stephen L. Eittreim Bhoopal R. Naini and Stephen L. Eittreim Appendix IV. Interstitial Water Chemistry: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs 21 and 22 Bob J. Presley, John Trefry, Dan Armstrong, and Mike Nuzzo Appendix V. Shore Laboratory Report on the Foraminifera from Leg 21 Sites, Deep Sea Drilling Project Richard K. Olsson DSDP Data and Samples
Citations Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database. Map