Ocean Drilling Program | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | International Ocean Discovery Program

DSDP Volume LXXXIX Table of Contents

Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

Part I: Introduction and Site Reports

1. Introduction and Explanatory Notes, Leg 89

M. Baltuck, R. Moberly, and S.O. Schlanger

2. Site 585

Shipboard Scientific Party

3. Site 462

Shipboard Scientific Party

4. Site 586

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part II: Paleontology

5. Nannofossil Biostratigraphy at Site 585, East Mariana Basin

J.A. Bergen

6. Late Aptian and Cenomanian–Turonian Planktonic Foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585, Leg 89, East Mariana Basin

I. Premoli Silva and W.V. Sliter

7. A New Biostratigraphic Interpretation of the Sedimentary Record Recovered at Site 462, Leg 61, Nauru Basin, Western Equatorial Pacific

I. Premoli Silva

8. Radiolaria from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

A. Schaaf

9. Cretaceous Redeposited Benthic Foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, Western Equatorial Pacific, and Implications for the Geologic History of the Region

W.V. Sliter

Part III: Sedimentology

10. Turbidite Sedimentology and History of the East Mariana Basin

J.M. Whitman, M. Baltuck, J.A. Haggerty, and W. Dean

11. Authigenic Silica in Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Sediments of the East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585

M. Baltuck

12. Ooids and Shallow-Water Debris in Aptian–Albian Sediments from the East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585: Implications for the Environment of Deposition of the Ooids

J.A. Haggerty and I. Premoli Silva

13. Cretaceous Interactions between Volcanism and Sedimentation in the East Mariana Basin, from Mineralogical, Micromorphological, and Geochemical Investigations (Site 585, Deep Sea Drilling Project)

H. Chamley, H. Coulon, P. Debrabant, and T. Holtzapffel

Part IV: Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry

14. Glassy and Basaltic Fragments within Graded Volcaniclastic Sediments, East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

P.A. Floyd

15. Geochemistry and Provenance of Basaltic Clasts within Volcaniclastic Debris Flows, East Mariana Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585

P.A. Floyd

16. Chemistry of Primary and Secondary Phases in Intraplate Basalts and Volcaniclastic Sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

P.A. Floyd and G. Rowbotham

17. Petrology and Geochemistry of Oceanic Intraplate Sheet-Flow Basalts, Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

P.A. Floyd

18. Geochemistry of Basalts from the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 61 and 89: Implications for the Origin of Oceanic Flood Basalts

A.D. Saunders

19. 40Ar/39Ar Geochronological Studies of Basalts from Hole 462A, Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

Y. Takigami, S. Amari, M. Ozima, and R. Moberly

20. Rb-Sr Isotope Systematics and Sr/Ca-Ba/Ca Ratios of Nauru Basin Basalts, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

K. Notsu, N. Onuma, and N. Fujii

21. Primary Composition, Alteration, and Origin of Cretaceous Volcaniclastic Rocks, East Mariana Basin (Site 585, Leg 89)

L.G. Viereck, M. Simon, and H.-U. Schmincke

22. Petrology and Geochemistry of Nauru Basin Igneous Complex: Large-Volume, Off-Ridge Eruptions of MORB-Like Basalt during the Cretaceous

P. Castillo, R. Batiza, and R.J. Stern

23. Low-Molecular-Weight Hydrocarbons in Sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89, Sites 585, East Mariana Basin, and 586, Ontong-Java Plateau

R.G. Schaefer and D. Leythaeuser

Part V: Geophysics

24. Seismic Stratigraphic Sections: East Mariana Basin (Site 585), Nauru Basin (Site 462), and Ontong-Java Plateau (Site 586)

J.M. Whitman

25. Downhole Flow of Bottom Water: Implications from Temperature Logging at Hole 462A, Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

N. Fujii

26. Site Surveys in the Western Pacific Conducted aboard the Kana Keoki, Cruise KK810626 Leg 4

L.D. Petersen, F.K. Duennebier, and T.H. Shipley

27. Paleolatitudes and Magnetostratigraphy of Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585, East Mariana Basin, Western Central Pacific

J.G. Ogg

28. Anisotropy of Basalts, Hole 462A, Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89

N. Fujii and Y. Hamano

Part VI: Synthesis

29. Sedimentary and Volcanic History: East Mariana Basin and Nauru Basin

S.O. Schlanger and R. Moberly

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
