Publication date: May 2007
Preliminary Pages
Part I: Introduction and Geophysical Setting
1. Offscraping and
Underthrusting of Sediment at the Deformation Front of the Barbados
Ridge: An Introduction to the Drilling Results of Leg 78A and
Explanatory Notes
J.C. Moore, B. Biju-Duval, J.H. Natland, and Shipboard
Scientific Party
2. Geophysics and the
Structure of the Lesser Antilles Forearc
G.K. Westbrook, A. Mascle, and B. Biju-Duval
3. Geophysical Setting
of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 541, 542, and 543, Leg 78A, Barbados
Accretionary Prism
K. Ngokwey, A. Mascle, and B. Biju-Duval
4. The Relief of the
Oceanic Basement and the Structure of the Front of the Accretionary
Complex in the Region of Sites 541, 542, and 543
A. Mauffret, G.K. Westbrook, M. Truchan, and J. Ladd
5. Multibeam
Bathymetric Survey of the Leg 78A Drilling Area and Comparison with the
Southern Part of the Barbados Ridge Deformation Front
P. Fontas, P. Valéry, P. Le Quellec, A. Mascle, V.
Renard, M. Tardy, and B. Biju-Duval
6. Morphology and
Structural Trends of the Barbados Ridge Complex in the Vicinity of Deep
Sea Drilling Project Sites 541, 542, and 543 as Revealed by GLORIA
Long-Range Side-Scan Sonar
R.H. Belderson, N.H. Kenyon, and A.H. Stride
7. The Lesser Antilles
Island Arc: Structure and Geodynamic Evolution
P. Bouysse
Part II: Site Reports
8. Site 541: Toe of the
Barbados Ridge Complex
Shipboard Scientific Party
9. Site 542: Toe of the
Barbados Ridge Complex
Shipboard Scientific Party
10. Site 543: Oceanic
Reference Site East of the Barbados Ridge Complex
Shipboard Scientific Party
Part III: Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Igneous
11. Sediment
Distribution and Depositional Processes Operating in the Lesser Antilles
Intraoceanic Island Arc, Eastern Caribbean
A. Wright
12. X-Ray Mineralogy of
Miocene and Older Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
C.J. Pudsey
13. Evolution of
Cenozoic Clay Assemblages in the Barbados Ridge (Deep Sea Drilling
Project Sites 541, 542, 543)
C. Latouche and N. Maillet
14. Sediment
Accumulation Rates of the Lesser Antilles Intraoceanic Island Arc, Deep
Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
A. Wright
15. Occurrences of
Air-Fall Volcanic Ash Derived from the Lesser Antilles Arc at Leg 78A
Drill Sites
J.H. Natland
16. Interstitial Water
Studies, Leg 78A
J.M. Gieskes, H. Elderfield, J.R. Lawrence, and J.
17. Diagenesis of
Organic Matter, Isotopic Composition of Calcite Veins in Basement Basalt
and Pore Water in Sediment—Barbados Ridge Complex, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Leg 78A
G.E. Claypool
18. Compositions,
Stratigraphy, and Alteration of Pillow Basalts, Deep Sea Drilling
Project Hole 543A, near the Barbados Ridge
J.H. Natland, J. Tarney, N.G. Marsh, W.G. Melson, and
T. O’Hearn
19. Basalts from the
Atlantic Crust West of the Barbados Ridge (Site 543, Leg 78A):
Geochemistry and Mineralogy
H. Bougault, J.L. Joron, R.C. Maury, M. Bohn, M.
Tardy, and B. Biju-Duval
Part IV: Biostratigraphy and Paleoceanography
20. Calcareous
Nannoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A: Evidence for
Imbricate Underthrusting at the Lesser Antillian Active Margin
J.A. Bergen
21. Cenozoic
Radiolarians from the Barbados Ridge, Lesser Antilles Subduction
Complex, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
G.W. Renz
22. Neogene
Silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 543, Western
Tropical Atlantic Ocean
D. Bukry
23. Diatom Occurrences,
Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 543
W.H. Abbott
24. Variations in the
Calcite Dissolution Pattern on the Barbados Ridge Complex at Sites 541
and 543, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
C. Hemleben and A. Auras
25. Stable Isotope
Record of the Pliocene and Pleistocene Planktonic Foraminifers from Leg
78A, Sites 541 and 543, on the Barbados Ridge Complex
H. Oberhänsli and C. Hemleben
Campanian-Maestrichtian Deep-Water Foraminifers from Hole 543A, Deep Sea
Drilling Project
C. Hemleben and J. Troester
Part V: Structural Geology, Physical Properties, and
27. Structural Features
at the Deformation Front of the Barbados Ridge Complex, Deep Sea
Drilling Project Leg 78A
D.S. Cowan, J.C. Moore, S.M. Roeske, N. Lundberg, and
S.E. Lucas
28. Physical Properties
of Sediment from the Lesser Antilles Margin along the Barbados Ridge:
Results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
M.S. Marlow, H.J. Lee, and A.W. Wright
29. Numerical Modeling
of Sediment Deformation Linked to Subduction: Mechanical Model and
Comparison with Barbados Ridge Complex
K. Ngokwey
30. The Compressive
Mechanics of Accretionary Wedges Applied to the Leg 78A Study Area near
D.M. Davis
Part VI: Paleomagnetic and Geothermal Observations
31. Paleomagnetic
Results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
D.S. Wilson
32. Geothermal
Observations during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A
D.M. Davis, and D.M. Hussong
Part VII: Synthesis
33. Tectonic Synthesis,
Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A: Structural Evolution of Offscraped
and Underthrust Sediment, Northern Barbados Ridge Complex
J.C. Moore and B. Biju-Duval
Back-Pocket Foldouts
Chapters 2 and 3:
Plate 1. Seismic
reflection data across the Barbados accretionary complex (Lesser
Antilles island arc).
Chapter 11:
Figure 1. Lesser
Antilles intraoceanic island arc location map showing bathymetry,
locations of DSDP sites, and locations and sample identifiers of piston
cores collected by Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, and the University of Rhode Island School of
Figure 3. Schematic lithologic
sections of DSDP sites and selected piston cores in the Lesser Antilles
intraoceanic island arc region.
DSDP Data and Samples
Citation information about scientific publications related to this
and other DSDP legs is available in the
Ocean Drilling Citation Database.