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DSDP Volume LXI Table of Contents
doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.61.1981 Part I: Introduction and Site Report 1. Introduction and Explanatory Notes Roger L. Larson, S.O. Schlanger, and R.E. Boyce 2. Site 462: Nauru Basin, Western Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 Shipboard Scientific Party Part II: Paleontological Studies Isabella Premoli Silva and Donata Violanti Isabella Premoli Silva and William V. Sliter Isabella Premoli Silva and Chiara Brusa Hans R. Thierstein and Helène Manivit 7. Cenozoic Radiolarians at Site 462, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61, Western Tropical Pacific Annika Sanfilippo, M.J. Westberg, and W.R. Riedel Patrick de Wever Part III: Sedimentological Studies Volkher Riech 10. Cretaceous Volcanogenic Sediments of the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 Ralph Moberly and Hugh C. Jenkyns David K. Rea and Jørn Thiede Hugh C. Jenkyns and Seymour O. Schlanger 13. Mineralogy of Sediments Encountered during Leg 61, as Determined by X-Ray Diffraction Ulrich Nagel, German Müller, and Dieter Schumann P.P. Timofeev, V.I. Koporulin, I.M. Varentsov, V.V.
Eremeev, and D.Ya. Choporov 15. Clay and Associated Minerals in Sediments from the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 V.B. Kurnosov and A.Ya. Shevchenko Part IV: Geochemical Studies 16. Interstitial-Water Studies, Leg 61 Joris M. Gieskes and Jeff Johnson 17. Interstitial-Water Studies, Leg 58 Joris M. Gieskes and Jeff Johnson 18. Preliminary Lipid Analyses of Cores 49, 54, and 59 from Hole 462 I.D. Thomson, S.C. Brassell, P.A. Comet, G. Eglinton,
P.J. Isaacson, J. McEvoy, and J.R. Maxwell Earl W. Baker and J. William Louda 20. Geochemistry of Carbon: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61, Nauru Basin, North Pacific Karl S. Schorno 21. Lipid Geochemistry of Sediments from Site 462 in the Nauru Basin Bernd R.T. Simoneit Part V: Igneous-Rock Studies 22. Igneous Rocks of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61, Nauru Basin Sergey Shcheka 23. Vein Minerals in Basalt, Hole 462A, Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Kenneth E. Windom and Patricia Book 24. Secondary Minerals of Basalts from the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 V.B. Kurnosov, I.V. Kholodkevich, and A.Ya. Shevchenko Hidekazu Tokuyama and Rodey Batiza 26. Trace-Element Characteristics of Leg 61 Basalts Rodey Batiza 27. Chemical Compositions and Sr Isotopes of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 Basalts Naoyuki Fujii, Kenjii Notsu, and Naoki Onuma M. Ozima, K. Saito, and Y. Takigami Karl E. Seifert Part VI: Geophysical Studies 30. Paleomagnetism of the Cretaceous Section, Site 462 Maureen B. Steiner 31. Paleomagnetism of the Igneous Complex, Site 462 Maureen B. Steiner 32. Magnetic and Mineralogical Investigations of Opaque Minerals: Preliminary Results Maureen B. Steiner Robert E. Boyce 34. The Geological and Geophysical Setting near Site 462 L.K. Wipperman, R.L. Larson, and D.M. Hussong Seymour O. Schlanger and Roger L. Larson Part VII: Regional Studies and Syntheses Seymour O. Schlanger and Isabella Premoli Silva 37. Summary and Index to Petrologic and Geochemical Studies of Leg 61 Basalts R. Batiza, S. Shcheka, H. Tokuyama, K. Muehlenbachs,
T.L. Vallier, F. Lee-Wong, K.E. Seifert, K.E. Windom, P. Book, and N.
Fujii 38. Geological Evolution of the Nauru Basin, and Regional Implications Roger L. Larson and Seymour O. Schlanger Part VIII: Appendices Robert E. Boyce Appendix II. Grain-Size and Carbon/Carbonate Analyses, Leg 61 Stan White and Gerald W. Bode Back-Pocket Figures Chapter 6 Figure 5. Stratigraphic Distribution of Cenozoic Calcareous Nannofossils, Hole 462 DSDP Data and Samples
Citations Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database. Map