Ocean Drilling Program | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | International Ocean Discovery Program

DSDP Volume LX Table of Contents

Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

Part I: Introduction

1. Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60: Cruise Objectives, Principal Results, and Explanatory Notes

D.M. Hussong, S. Uyeda, R. Knapp, H. Ellis, S. Kling, and J. Natland

Part II: Site Surveys and Underway Geophysics

2. Structure and Tectonics of the Mariana Arc and Fore-Arc: Drillsite Selection Surveys

Donald M. Hussong and Patricia Fryer

3. Seafloor Spreading in the Mariana Trough: Results of Leg 60 Drill Site Selection Surveys

Patricia Fryer and Donald M. Hussong

4. Multichannel Seismic Reflection Surveys of Leg 60 Sites, Deep Sea Drilling Project

Cary L. Mrozowski, Dennis E. Hayes, and Brian Taylor

5. Underway Geophysics—Leg 60 and Related Surveys

Donald M. Hussong

Part III: Site Reports

6. Site 452: Mesozoic Pacific Ocean Basin

Shipboard Scientific Party

7. Mariana Trough—Background and Objectives

S. Uyeda and D.M. Hussong

8. Site 453: West Side of the Mariana Trough

Shipboard Scientific Party

9. Site 454: Near the Center of the Mariana Trough

Shipboard Scientific Party

10. Site 455: East Side of the Mariana Trough

Shipboard Scientific Party

11. Site 456: East Side of the Mariana Trough

Shipboard Scientific Party

12. Mariana Arc and Fore-Arc Background and Objectives

D.M. Hussong and S. Uyeda

13. Site 457: Mariana Island Arc

Shipboard Scientific Party

14. Site 458: Mariana Fore-Arc

Shipboard Scientific Party

15. Site 459: Mariana Fore-Arc

Shipboard Scientific Party

16. Site 460: Inner Wall of the Mariana Trench

Shipboard Scientific Party

17. Site 461: Inner Wall of the Mariana Trench

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part IV: Sedimentological Studies

18. Mineralogy of Sediments Cored during Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 58–60 in the North and South Philippine Sea: Results of X-Ray Diffraction Analyses

Ulrich Nagel, German Müller, and Dieter Schumann

19. X-Ray Mineralogy Studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

C. Latouche, N. Maillet, and R. Blanchet

20. Authigenic Minerals in Volcanogenic Sediments Cored during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Alain Desprairies

21. Clay Mineral Stratigraphy and Related Diagenesis in the Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 Sediments

Katherine M. Balshaw

22. Ash from Vitric Muds in Deep Sea Cores from the Mariana Trough and Fore-Arc Region (South Philippine Sea) (Sites 453, 454, 455, 458, 459, and SP), Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Hans-Ulrich Schmincke

23. Volcanic Glasses from Sediments from Sites 453 and 454 in the Mariana Trough

Gordon H. Packham and Kenneth L. Williams

24. Chlorophyll Derivatives in Sediments of the South Philippine Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Earl W. Baker and J. William Louda

25. Geochemistry of Carbon: International Phase of Ocean Drilling Project Leg 60

Karl S. Schorno

Part V: Paleontology and Biostratigraphy

26. Calcareous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy—Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

C. Howard Ellis

27. Radiolarians from the Mariana Trough and Trench Region: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Stanley A. Kling

28. Foraminiferal Stratigraphy of Cenozoic Sediments of the Mariana Trough and Fore-Arc Region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Valery A. Krasheninnikov

29. Pliocene and Quaternary Diatoms, Silicoflagellates, Sponge Spicules, and Endoskeletal Dinoflagellates from the Philippine Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 59 and 60

Erlend Martini

30. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Genus Calpionella in Reworked Pebbles from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 460, Mariana Transect

Jacques Azéma and René Blanchet

Part VI: Petrological Studies

31. Petrography and Mineral Compositions of Gabbros Recovered in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 453 on the Western Side of the Mariana Trough

James H. Natland

32. Basaltic Glasses from the Mariana Trough

Patricia Fryer, John M. Sinton, and John A. Philpotts

33. Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks Recovered from a Transect across the Mariana Trough, Arc, Fore-Arc, and Trench, Sites 453 through 461, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

D.A. Wood, N.G. Marsh, J. Tarney, J.-L. Joron, P. Fryer, and M. Treuil

34. Petrography and Geochemistry of Basement Rocks from Five Leg 60 Sites

Anatoly Ya. Sharaskin

35. Tholeiites, Basaltic Andesites, and Andesites from Leg 60 Sites: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Low Partition Coefficient Elements

H. Bougault, R.C. Maury, M. El Azzouzi, J.-L. Joron, J. Cotten, and M. Treuil

36. Abstract: Chemical and Sr Isotopic Compositions of Igneous Rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 59 and 60

Richard Lee Armstrong and Graham T. Nixon

37. Crystal Morphologies and Pyroxene Compositions in Boninites and Tholeiitic Basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 458 and 459B in the Mariana Fore-Arc Region

James H. Natland

38. Petrology of Volcanic Rocks from the Fore-Arc Sites

Arend Meijer, Elizabeth Anthony, and Mark Reagan

39. Petrology of High-MgO Bronzite Andesite Resembling Boninite from Site 458 near the Mariana Trench

I. Kushiro

40. Rare-Earth Element Geochemistry of Mariana Fore-arc Volcanics: Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 458 and Hole 459B

R.L. Hickey and F.A. Frey

41. 40Ar-39Ar Dating of Rocks Drilled at Sites 458 and 459 in the Mariana Fore-Arc Region during Leg 60

Y. Takigami and M. Ozima

Part VII: Pore Fluids, Alteration, and Heat Flow

42. Interstitial Water Studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Joris M. Gieskes and Jeff Johnson

43. Temperatures of Hydrothermal Alteration in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 453, Western Mariana Trough

James R. Lawrence and James H. Natland

44. Hydrothermal Alteration of Basalts and Sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 456, Mariana Trough

James H. Natland and Roger Hekinian

45. Alteration of Igneous Rocks at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 458 and 459, Mariana Fore-Arc Region: Relationship to Basement Structure

James H. Natland and John J. Mahoney

46. Heat Flow Measurements on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

S. Uyeda and K. Horai

Part VIII: Physical Properties and Downhole Experiments

47. Acoustic Properties of Tuffaceous and Calcareous Sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

R.L. Carlson

48. Seismic Velocities at Elevated Pressures of Igneous Rocks from the Mariana Trough and Fore-arc Region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

N.I. Christensen, S.C. Blair, R.C. Prior, and J.P. Schultz

49. Thermal Conductivity of Sediments and Igneous Rocks Recovered during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Ki-Iti Horai

50. Effect of Drill String Movement on Shape of the Hole and on the Cored Rocks at Hole 459B

T.J.G. Francis

51. Large-Scale Resistivity Experiment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 459B

T.J.G. Francis

Part IX: Paleomagnetism

52. Paleomagnetism of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60 Sediments and Igneous Rocks from the Mariana Region

Ulrich Bleil

Part X: Syntheses

53. Petrologic Evolution of the Mariana Arc and Back-Arc Basin System—A Synthesis of Drilling Results in the South Philippine Sea

James H. Natland and John Tarney

54. Tectonic Processes and the History of the Mariana Arc: A Synthesis of the Results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 60

Donald M. Hussong and Seiya Uyeda

Back-Pocket Plates

Chapter 3: Plate 1. Mariana Island Arc near 18°N Geophysical Maps. Underway Geophysics - Leg 60 and Related Surveys.
(Hussong, 1981)

Chapter 3: Plate 2. Mariana Island Arc near 18°N Crustal Structure. Underway Geophysics, Leg 60 and Related Surveys.
(Hussong, 1981)

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
