Ocean Drilling Program | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | International Ocean Discovery Program

DSDP Volume XLVIII Table of Contents

Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

Part I: Introduction

1. Objectives of Passive Margin Drilling

D.G. Roberts and L. Montadert

2. Introduction and Explanatory Notes, Leg 48, IPOD Phase of the Deep Sea Drilling Project

L. Montadert, D.G. Roberts, and R.W. Thompson

Part II: Site Reports

3. Sites 399, 400, and Hole 440A

The Shipboard Scientific Party

4. Site 401

The Shipboard Scientific Party with special contributions by Maurice Bourbon, David N. Lumsden, and D. Mann

5. Site 402/Hole 402A

The Shipboard Scientific Party with a special contribution by D. Mann

6. Sites 403 and 404

The Shipboard Scientific Party with a special contribution by D. Mann

7. Sites 405 and 406

The Shipboard Scientific Party with a special contribution by D. Mann, and an Appendix by R.R. Harding

Part III: Physical Properties Studies

8. Heat-Flow Results, DSDP Leg 48

A.J. Erickson, W.E. Avera, and R. Byrne

9. Thermal Regime of the Northern Bay of Biscay Continental Margin in the Vicinity of DSDP Sites 400 to 402

Jean-Paul Foucher and Jean-Claude Sibuet

10. Interstitial Water Studies, Leg 48

R. Ellis, J. Pine, and J.M. Gieskes

11. Paleomagnetism of Late Mesozoic to Holocene Sediments from the Bay of Biscay and Rockall Plateau, Drilled on IPOD Leg 48

Ernest A. Hailwood

Part IV: Paleontological Studies

12. Cenozoic Ostracodes: Their Importance for Bathymetry, Hydrology, and Biogeography

O. Ducasse and J.P. Peypouquet

13. Cretaceous Ostracodes of IPOD Leg 48 (Holes 400, 400A, 401, 402A)

Renée Damotte

14. Upper Aptian Agglutinated Foraminifers from DSDP Hole 402A

Wayne D. Bock

15. Cenozoic Deep Water Benthic Foraminifers, Bay of Biscay

Detmar Schnitker

16. Cenozoic Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Sites 403 to 406 Based on the Foraminifers

John W. Murray

17. Stratigraphy and Planktonic Foraminifers of Cenozoic Deposits of the Bay of Biscay and Rockall Plateau, DSDP Leg 48

Valeri A. Krasheninnikov

18. Mesozoic Foraminifers and Microfacies from Holes 400A, 401, and 402A of the DSDP Leg 48

P.A. Dupeuble

19. Stable Isotopes and Tertiary Paleontological Paleoceanography in the Northeast Atlantic

C. Vergnaud Grazzini, C. Müller, C. Pierre, R. Létolle, and J.P. Peypouquet

20. Radiolaria from the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean, DSDP Leg 48

Annika Sanfilippo and W.R. Riedel

21. Cenozoic Dinocyst Stratigraphy of Sites 403 to 406 (Rockall Plateau), IPOD, Leg 48

Lucy I. Costa and Charles Downie

22. Dinoflagellate Biostratigraphy of Neogene and Quaternary Sediments at Holes 400/400A in the Bay of Biscay (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48)

Rex Harland

23. Marine Apto–Albian Palynomorphs from Holes 400A and 402A, IPOD Leg 48, Northern Bay of Biscay

Roger J. Davey

24. Miospores and Other Acid-Resistant Microfossils from the Aptian/Albian of Holes 400A and 402A, DSDP-IPOD Leg 48, Bay of Biscay

D.J. Batten

25. Calcareous Nannofossils from the North Atlantic (Leg 48)

Carla Müller

26. Ammonoidea from the Lower Cretaceous of Hole 402A in the Bay of Biscay, DSDP Leg 48

Otto Renz

Part V: Sedimentological Studies

27. X-Ray Mineralogy from Holes 399, 400, 400A, 401, 402, and 402A of Bay of Biscay

G. Cassat

28. X-Ray Mineralogy Studies, Leg 48—Rockall Region (Sites 403, 404, 405, and 406)

C. Latouche and N. Maillet

29. Peculiarities of Meso–Cenozoic Sedimentation in the Bay of Biscay and Rockall Plateau Regions, Leg 48

P.P. Timofeev, N.V. Renngarten, and V.V. Eremeev

30. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic Sediments from North Biscay Bay and Rockall Plateau (Eastern North Atlantic), DSDP Leg 48

Pierre Debrabant, Hervé Chamley, Janine Foulon, and Henri Maillot

31. Some Trace Elements and Their Relation to Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes in the Carbonate Samples Recovered from Hole 400A of DSDP Leg 48

Maurice Renard, René Létolle, and Gilbert Richebois

32. Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes from Bulk Carbonates and Foraminiferal Shells at DSDP Sites 400, 401, 402, 403, and 406

René Létolle, Colette Vergnaud Grazzini, and Catherine Pierre

33. Transformation of Opaline Silica in Sediments from Bay of Biscay and Rockall Bank

Hideo Kagami

34. Insoluble Residue Data and Preliminary Interpretation—Quaternary Sediment: DSDP Sites 403 and 405

David N. Lumsden

35. Petrography and Mineralogy of Volcanogenic Sediments from DSDP Leg 48, Southwest Rockall Plateau, Sites 403 and 404

R.K. Harrison, R.W.O’B. Knox, and A.C. Morton with contributions by R.J. Merriman and C.W. Wheatley

36. Remarks Concerning the Glaucontic Materials Collected during Leg 48

G.S. Odin

37. Upper Cretaceous to Quaternary Sedimentary Processes in the Bay of Biscay from Textural, Mineralogical, and Coarse Fraction Studies

G.A. Auffret and L. Pastouret

38. Black Shales of the Bay of Biscay and Conditions of Their Formation, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48, Holes 400A, 402A

P.P. Timofeev and L.I. Bogolyubova

39. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Selected Albian Sediments from the Bay of Biscay, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48

Frédéric Mélières

40. Interpretation of Depositional Environments of the Aptian/Albian Black Shales of the North Margin of the Bay of Biscay (DSDP Sites 400 and 402)

P.C. de Graciansky, G.A. Auffret, P. Dupeuble, L. Montadert, and C. Müller

41. Magnetic Anisotropy and Sediment Transport Directions in North Atlantic Early Cretaceous Black Shales and Eocene Mudstones Cored on DSDP Leg 48

Ernest A. Hailwood and William O. Sayre

Part VI: Organic Geochemistry

42. Organic Geochemistry of Cretaceous Mudstones and Marly Limestones from DSDP Sites 400 and 402, Leg 48, Eastern North Atlantic

G. Deroo, J.P. Herbin, J. Roucaché, and B. Tissot

43. Tetrapyrrole Pigments in Cretaceous Sediments from the Bay of Biscay, IPOD Leg 48, Hole 402A

Earl W. Baker and Susan E. Palmer

44. Lipid Geochemistry of Cretaceous Black Shales from the Bay of Biscay, Site 402, and of Eocene Mudstone from the Rockall Plateau, Site 404

Bernd R.T. Simoneit

45. Sediment C1–C7 Hydrocarbons from IPOD Leg 48—Bay of Biscay

Jean K. Whelan and John M. Hunt

46. Geochemistry of Carbon: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 48

J.G. Erdman and K.S. Schorno

47. Petroleum-Generating Potential of Sediments from Leg 48, Deep Sea Drilling Project

J.W. Kendrick, A. Hood, and J.R. Castaño

48. Geochemical Analysis of Samples from Leg 48, Hole 402A, Bay of Biscay

Daniel B. Pearson and Wallace G. Dow

49. Shipboard Organic Geochemistry

William E. Harrison and Jean L. LaPorte

50. Preliminary Lipid Analysis of Core Sections 18, 24, and 30 from Hole 402A

P.J. Barnes, S.C. Brassel, P. Comet, G. Eglinton, J. McEvoy, J.R. Maxwell, A.M.K. Wardroper, and J.K. Volkman

51. Basic Organic Geochemical Data of Leg 48 Material

T. Doran, P.G. Johnson, P.J.D. Park, G.C. Speers, and J. Williams

Part VII: Regional Geological Studies

52. Dredged Rocks from the Armorican and Celtic Margins

G.A. Auffret, L. Pastouret, G. Cassat, O. de Charpal, J. Cravatte, and P. Guennoc

53. Preliminary Results of a Seismic Refraction Study in the Meriadzek-Trevelyan Area, Bay of Biscay

Félix Avedik and David Howard

54. Rifting and Subsidence of the Northern Continental Margin of the Bay of Biscay

L. Montadert, D.G. Roberts, O. de Charpal, and P. Guennoc

55. The Western Rockall Plateau: Stratigraphy and Structural Evolution

D.G. Roberts, L. Montadert, and R.C. Searle

Part VIII: Cruise Syntheses

56. Mineralogy of the Clay Fraction of the Atlantic Ocean Sediments, DSDP Leg 48

P.P. Timofeev, M.A. Rateev, and N.V. Renngarten

57. Margin Paleoenvironments of the Northeast Atlantic

D.G. Roberts and L. Montadert

58. Chronology and Biostratigraphy of Northeast Atlantic Sediments, DSDP Leg 48

Ernest A. Hailwood, Wayne Bock, Lucy Costa, Pierre A. Dupeuble, Carla Müller, and Detmar Schnitker

59. Evolution of Passive Rifted Margins—Perspective and Retrospective of DSDP Leg 48

D.G. Roberts and L. Montadert

Part IX: Appendix

I. Examination of Potential Geochemical Contaminants in Leg 48 Material

T. Doran and P.G. Johnson


Back-Pocket Foldouts


Site 400.
Site 401.
Site 402.
Site 403.
Site 404.
Site 405.
Site 406.

Chapter 2.

Figure 2.

Chapter 3.

Figure 18.

Chapter 5.

Figure 25.

Chapter 27.

Figure 1.

Chapter 37.

Appendix C.

Chapter 55.

Figure 10.
Figure 14.
Figure 23.

Chapter 59.

Figure 5.

Lithologic Core Descriptions

Site 399, Core 1, through Site 402, Core 4.
Site 402, Core 5, through Site 405, Core 4.
Site 405, Core 5, through Site 406, Core 52.

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
