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DSDP Supplement to Volumes XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, and XLI Table of Contents doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.38394041s.1978 Part I: Volume 38 Supplement 1. Paleomagnetism and Magnetic Properties of Igneous Rock SamplesLeg 38 Dennis V. Kent and Neil D. Opdyke 2. Lithology and Clay Mineralogy of the Sediments from Site 336, DSDP Leg 38 P.P. Timofeev, N.V. Renngarten, and L.J. Bogolyubova 3. Lithology and Clay Mineralogy of Sediments from Site 337, DSDP Leg 38 N.V. Renngarten, M.A. Rateev, V.D. Shutov, and V.A. Drits 4. Mineral and Chemical Composition of Sediments of the Vøring Plateau, DSDP Leg 38 E.M. Emelyanov, A.I. Blazchishin, G.S. Kharin, N.G. Lozovaya, and K.P. Zangalis 5. Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrography of Sediments Recovered at Site 345, DSDP Leg 38 A.G. Kossovskaya and V.A. Drits 6. Lithology and Clay Mineralogy of Sediments from Hole 346 M.A. Rateev, N.V. Renngarten, V.D. Shutov, and V.A. Drits A.G. Kossovskaya, P.P. Timofeev, and V.D. Shutov 8. Origin of the Late Cenozoic Sediments of the Icelandic Basin, DSDP Site 348, Leg 38 M.P. Nesterova, F.A. Scherbokov, A.Ja. Shevchenko, N.W. Turanskaja, W.P. Kazakova, A.G. Samosudov, T.G. Kuzmina, and A.N. Rudakova 9. Sedimentary Rocks of the Jan-Mayen Ridge G.B. Udintsev and G.S. Kharin Arthur G. Sylvester 11. Lithologic-Mineralogic Studies of the Sedimentary Deposits from Hole 350, DSDP Leg 38 I.M. Varentsov 12. Interstitial Water Studies, Leg 38 Joris M. Gieskes, James R. Lawrence, and Guntwin Galleisky 13. Mineralogic Studies of Sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea (Sites 336, 343, 345, and 348) Edward A. Perry, Jr., Stephen J. Grady, and William M. Kelly Bilal U. Haq and G.P. Lohmann Katharina Perch-Nielsen 16. Five Trissocyclid Radiolaria from Site 338 Robert M. Goll 17. Sediments of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, DSDP Leg 38 Stan M. White Tor H. Nilsen with a contribution from Dennis R. Kerr 19. Diatom and Radiolarian Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Norwegian Basin; DSDP Leg 38 R.N. Dzinoridze, A.P. Jousé, G.S. Koroleva-Golikova, G.E. Kozlova, G.S. Nagaeva, M.G. Petrushevskaya, and N.I. Strelnikova 20. Grain-Size Analyses, Leg 38 Donald Cameron 21. Carbon and Carbonate Analyses, Leg 38 Kenneth Thompson 22. X-Ray Mineralogy of Sediment, DSDP Leg 38 Stan M. White 23. Geophysical Surveys on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge for Selection of Sites 336 and 352 M. Talwani 24. Surveys and Selection of Sites 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, and 343 on the Vøring Plateau M. Talwani 25. Survey at Site 337, near the Extinct Axis in the Norway Basin M. Talwani and S. Sandal 26. Survey at Site 344, Rift Mountains East of Knipovich Rift M. Talwani M. Talwani, G. Udinstev, E. Mirlin, Beresnev, V.F. Kanayev, M. Chapman, G. Grønlie, and O. Eldholm Part II: Volume 39 Supplement 1. Cenozoic Diatom Biostratigraphy of the Equatorial and Southern Atlantic Ocean J. Fenner Part III: Volume 40 Supplement 1. Organic Geochemical Analyses of Core Samples from Site 362, Walvis Ridge, DSDP Leg 40 Jaap J. Boon, F.W. van der Meer, P.J.W. Schuyl, J.W. de Leeuw, P.A. Schenck, and A.L. Burlingame 2. Chlorin and Porphyrin Geochemistry of DSDP Leg 40 Sediments E.W. Baker, S.E. Palmer, and W.Y. Huang 3. Light Hydrocarbons in Holes 361 and 364, Leg 40 John M. Hunt 4. Geochemistry of Carbon: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40 J.G. Erdman and K.S. Schorno 5. Lipid Analyses of Sediments from Site 364 in the Angola Basin, DSDP Leg 40 Bernd R.T. Simoneit 6. Microscopical Survey of Organic Matter from DSDP Sites 361, 362, and 364 J.F. Raynaud and P. Robert 7. Petroleum-Generating Potential of Sediments from Leg 40, Deep Sea Drilling Project J.W. Kendrick, A. Hood, and J.R. Castaño John T. Brown D. Graham Jenkins 10. Calcareous Spherules from the Albian of DSDP Leg 40, Site 363 Hans M. Bolli Tatsuro Matsumoto Jost Wiedmann and Joachim Neugebauer 13. Opal Phytoplankton Remains at DSDP Leg 40 Sites Hans-Joachim Schrader 14. Ichthyoliths from Some Southeast Atlantic Sediments, DSDP Leg 40 P.S. Doyle, M.J. Dunsworth, and W.R. Riedel 15. Native Copper in DSDP Leg 40 Sediments William G. Siesser 16. Petrography and Geochemistry of Pyrite and Marcasite in DSDP Leg 40 Sediments William G. Siesser Part IV: Volume 41 Supplement 1. Foraminifera from DSDP Site 370, Leg 41, Eastern North Atlantic Ocean F.M. Gradstein 2. Palynological Biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 367 and 370 G.L. Williams 3. Cretaceous Calcisphaerulids from DSDP Leg 41, Eastern North Atlantic Uwe Pflaumann and Valery A. Krasheninnikov Ida Z. Kotova Uwe Pflaumann and Valery A. Krasheninnikov 6. PliocenePleistocene Coccolith Assemblages from the Sierra Leone RiseSite 366, Leg 41 Christian Samtleben 7. Palynology of Paleogene Clay from DSDP Site 368, Cape Verde Rise Elena D. Zaklinskaya 8. Neogene Sand Layers off Northwest Africa: Composition and Source Environment Michael Sarnthein Diethard E. Meyer 10. Magnetostratigraphic Studies of Cretaceous Sediments from DSDP Site 369 B.H. Keating and C.E. Helsley Ernest A. Hailwood 12. Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of Upper Jurassic Limestone and Basalt from Site 367 Dennis V. Kent and Lan Ping Tsai DSDP Data and Samples
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