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DSDP Volume XXXVI Table of Contents doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.36.1977 Part I: Introduction Peter F. Barker, Ian W.D. Dalziel, and Sherwood W. Wise, Jr. Part II: Site Reports Peter Barker, Ian W.D. Dalziel, Menno G. Dinkelman, David H. Elliot, Andrew M. Gombos, Jr., Alberto Lonardi, George Plafker, John Tarney, Robert W. Thompson, R.C. Tjalsma, Christopher C. von der Borch, and Sherwood W. Wise, Jr. The Shipboard Scientific Party with additional contributions from W.K. Harris and W.V. Sliter The Shipboard Scientific Party with additional contributions from W.K. Harris The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party with additional contributions from W.K. Harris and W.V. Sliter The Shipboard Scientific Party Part III: Shore Laboratory Studies Sherwood W. Wise, Jr. and Frank H. Wind 9. Cenozoic Foraminifera from the South Atlantic, DSDP Leg 36 R.C. Tjalsma 10. Cretaceous Foraminifers from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project William V. Sliter Andrew M. Gombos, Jr. 12. Archaeomonads as Eocene and Oligocene Guide Fossils in Marine Sediments Andrew M. Gombos, Jr. 13. Silicoflagellate Stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 36 Karen Eason Busen and Sherwood W. Wise, Jr. Bilal U. Haq, G.P. Lohmann, and Sherwood W. Wise, Jr. 15. Palynology of Cores from Deep Sea Drilling Sites 327, 328, and 330, South Atlantic Ocean Wayne K. Harris 16. Stratigraphic Palynology of Selected Mesozoic Samples DSDP Hole 327A and Site 330 Richard W. Hedlund and Dan Beju F.H. Wind, M.G. Dinkelman, and S.W. Wise, Jr. 18. Mesozoic Megafossils from DSDP Hole 327A and Site 330 on the Eastern Falkland Plateau David L. Jones and George Plafker 19. Paleoglacial Implications of Coarse Detritus in DSDP Leg 36 Cores George Plafker, Susan Bartsch-Winkler, and A.T. Ovenshine 20. Cone-In-Cone and Beef-In-Shale Textures from DSDP Site 330, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic John Tarney and B. Charlotte Schreiber 21. Volcanic Glass in Some DSDP Leg 36 Cores D.H. Elliot, C.M. Emerick 22. Mesozoic Sedimentation on the Eastern Falkland Plateau Robert W. Thompson John Tarney 24. Re-Sr and K-Ar Age Determinations on Samples of the Falkland Plateau Basement at Site 330, DSDP R.D. Beckinsale, J. Tarney, D.P.F. Darbyshire, and M.J. Humm J. Tarney and N.C.B. Donnellan J.B. Comer and R. Littlejohn 27. Underway Geophysical Observations, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project P.F. Barker P.F. Barker Part IV: Cruise Synthesis 29. Evolution of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean Basin: Results of Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project The Shipboard Scientific Party together with Wayne Harris and William V. Sliter Part V: Appendices I. X-Ray Mineralogy Data from the Argentine BasinLeg 36 Deep Sea Drilling Project I. Zemmels, Patrick J. Harrold, and H.E. Cook II. Measurement of Chemical/Physical Properties Alberto Lonardi III. Grain-Size and Carbon/Carbonate Analyses, Leg 36 Donald H. Cameron IV. Operations Resume, DSDP, Leg 36 Otis M. Moore Robert E. Boyce Part VI: Volume 28 Chapter Ian McDougall Back-Pocket Foldouts Orthographic map of the Falkland Plateau Track Chart and Site Locations Chapter 11, Table 6. DSDP Data and Samples
Citations Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database. Map