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DSDP Volume XVII Table of Contents doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.17.1973 Part I: Site Reports Edward L. Winterer Edward L. Winterer, John I. Ewing, Robert G. Douglas, Richard D. Jarrard, Yves Lancelot, Ralph M. Moberly, T.C. Moore, Jr., Peter H. Roth, and Seymour O. Schlanger The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party The Shipboard Scientific Party Part II: Special Studies Arthur D. Raff 11. Paleomagnetism of Leg 17 Sediment Cores Richard D. Jarrard 12. Chert and Silica Diagenisis in Sediments from the Central Pacific Yves Lancelot Seymour O. Schlanger, Robert G. Douglas, Yves Lancelot, T.C. Moore, Jr., and Peter H. Roth 14. Volcanic Rocks Cored in the Central Pacific, Leg 17, Deep Sea Drilling Project Manuel N. Bass, Ralph Moberly, J. Michael Rhodes, Chi-Yu Shih, and Stanley E. Church 15. Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Studies of Carbonate Sediments from Site 167, Magellan Rise, Leg 17 Tyler B. Coplen and Seymour O. Schlanger Anthony C. Pimm 17. Interstitial Water Chemistry, Leg 17 Bob J. Presley, J.H. Culp, Chari Petrowski, and Isaac R. Kaplan 18. X-Ray Mineralogy of Sediments from the Central Pacific Ocean Ivar Zemmels and Harry E. Cook 19. Preliminary Organic Analyses of DSDP Cores, Legs 12 and 13 Bernd R. Simoneit and A.L. Burlingame Robert G. Douglas and Samuel M. Savin Robert G. Douglas 22. Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy in the Central North Pacific Ocean Robert G. Douglas 23. Calcareous Nannofossils—Leg 17, Deep Sea Drilling Project Peter H. Roth 24. Radiolaria from Leg 17 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project T.C. Moore, Jr. 25. Phytoplankton Stratigraphy, Central Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Driling Project, Leg 17 David Bukry 26. Shore Laboratory Report on Mesozoic Foraminiferida, Leg 17 Emile A. Pessagno, Jr., and Jose F. Longoria 27. Two Lamellaptychi (Ammonoidea) from the Magellan Rise in the Central Pacific Otto Renz Part III: Cruise Synthesis 28. Biostratigraphic Synthesis: Hiatuses and Unconformities Robert G. Douglas, Peter H. Roth, and T.C. Moore, Jr. Edward L. Winterer Part IV: Appendices Appendix I: Grain Size Analyses, Leg 17 Gerald W. Bode Appendix II: Carbon and Carbonate Analyses, Leg 17 Gerald W. Bode DSDP Data and Samples
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