Expedition 398
JOIDES Resolution at night in the Aegean Sea

Expedition 305
Gabbronorite photomicrograph

Expedition 352
JOIDES Resolution in the Philippine Sea

Expedition 344
Reentry cone deployment

Expedition 303
JOIDES Resolution in St. John’s, Newfoundland

Expedition 346
Core sections in a storage rack

Expedition 379
JOIDES Resolution in Punta Arenas, Chile

Expedition 353
JOIDES Resolution at sunrise in the Indian Ocean

Expedition 403
JOIDES Resolution surrounded by a rainbow
JOIDES Resolution instrumentation to be added to the Gulf Coast Repository at Texas A&M University
Instrumented GCR laboratories are expected to be set up and functional by Spring 2025.
Expedition Information
Science Reports
Expedition 403
Expedition 402
Expedition 401
Expedition 400
News Stories See all news stories
- With venerable ship’s retirement, U.S.-led ocean-drilling program ends
- Ocean drilling makes for more robust climate modelling of the future
- 1.2 Million-Year-Old Deep Ocean Secrets Rewrite the Story of Earth’s Ice Ages
- Deep-ocean drilling to explore the hydraulic structure of subduction faults
Follow @JRSO_IODP on Twitter
Recent Publications
Scientific Prospectuses
- Expedition 405 Scientific Prospectus Addendum
- Expedition 389 Scientific Prospectus
- Expedition 405 Scientific Prospectus
Preliminary Reports
Proceedings volumes
Expedition Research Results
- Data report: permeability, porosity, pore size, grain size, and microporosity
- Data report: X-ray fluorescence scanning
- Data report: hydrocarbon profiles
- Data report: DNA event horizon in the Guaymas Basin subsurface biosphere
- Data report: X-ray fluorescence scanning, Site U1574
- Data report: stable isotopic records
What Is IODP?
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is an international research collaboration that coordinates seagoing expeditions to study the history of the Earth recorded in sediments and rocks beneath the ocean floor. The JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO) operates the scientific drillship JOIDES Resolution on behalf of the National Science Foundation. With an international workforce and scientists with many different backgrounds and perspectives, the JRSO promotes a safe and inclusive work environment, which is reflected in our JRSO Code of Conduct.
Our Vision
We are committed to exceeding the expectations of the scientific ocean drilling community by maximizing the science the JOIDES Resolution delivers.